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    Monthly Payment ($647/m)$647.00/mo
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    Quarterly Payment ($1747.00 /3 months)$1747.00/qtr
  • Preferred option
    Annual payment ($6,240.00)$6240.00/yr

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Legal Notice – Your Rights and Responsibilities 

At GetMarko, we believe in transparency and clarity when it comes to our services. While we prefer plain language over complex legal jargon, there are certain legal obligations and disclosures we must share with you to ensure a fair and transparent experience. These disclosures, often referred to as disclaimers, help clarify the terms and conditions of using our services and prevent any misunderstandings. We value your trust and commitment to us, and it's essential that you are aware of your rights and responsibilities. By proceeding, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these legal terms, and you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in our policies. Please click to review Term of Service before using GetMarko's services.

  • Total payment
  • 1xGetMarko [Lite]$0

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